Use and Keying of Facilities and Grounds (Interim Revised Policy)

  • Responsible Oversight Executive: Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer
  • Date of Current Revision or Creation: August 22, 2024
  • Download Policy PDF

The purpose of this policy is to promote the use of the University's facilities and grounds in a manner consistent with the University's mission and to outline the responsibilities in the use of the University's facilities and grounds.

, grants authority to the Board of Visitors to make rules and policies concerning the institution.

entitled "Restrictions on Student Speech; limitations (which was enacted by the 2014 General Assembly and will be added to theCode of Virginia, effective July 1, 2014), states, "Public institutions of higher education shall not impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner of student speech that (i) occurs in the outdoor areas of the institution's campus and (ii) is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution unless the restrictions (a) are reasonable, (b) are justified without reference to the content of the regulated speech, (c) are narrowly tailored to serve a significant governmental interest, and (d) leave open ample alternative channels for communication of the information.

Section 7.01(a)(6) of thegrants authority to the President to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

Facilities-Buildings, structures, and parking lots owned or leased by the University.

Grounds-All property that is owned or leased by the University that is not considered a building, structure, or parking lot.

Non-University Groups- Groups or individuals without an official affiliation to the University seeking to use facilities/grounds for a purpose unrelated to the University's mission.

Space -The area inside a facility or defined area of grounds.

Technology Classrooms- Classrooms managed by Classroom Central that are equipped with computers, laptop connections, data projectors, and sound systems.

University Sponsor- A University group, division/department, or registered student organization. It is the sponsor's responsibility to review the content of the event, the qualifications of those conducting the event, the manner of the presentation and agree that an event is consistent with this policy.

This policy applies to all employees, students, and visitors to the institution. Employees include all staff, administrators, faculty, full- or part-time, and classified or non-classified persons who are paid by the University. Students include all persons admitted to the University who have not completed a program of study for which they were enrolled; student status continues whether or not the University's programs are in session. Visitors include vendors and their employees, parents of students, volunteers, guests, uninvited guests, and all other non-University persons located on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University.

The use of University facilities and grounds, either owned or leased, must be consistent with the mission of the University and the general nature of the facility. The academic work of the University will hold a primary place in the use of facilities and grounds, and all uses for other purposes must be arranged so as not to hinder or adversely affect academic activities.

While fee-based use by non-University groups is permitted in limited circumstances, their use must be consistent with the mission of the University and have a University group sponsor. Fee-based commercial use will not be permitted unless the use is clearly consistent with the mission of the University.

All users must abide by applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

The University promotes the lawful exercise of First Amendment freedoms or rights as set out inUniversity Policy 1700, University Demonstrations Policy.

    Consideration for approving the use of the space will include whether the requested space is suitable for the use, and any health and safety concerns that require special precautions or arrangements. Several factors will be considered for the proposed use including, but not limited to:

    • The purpose of the space;
    • The anticipated size, including the number of attendees;
    • Noise likely to be generated;
    • The impact on University educational activities or other essential University processes;
    • The impact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
    • Adequacy and suitability of accommodations provided in the requested location;
    • Compliance with applicable laws and University policies, regulations, and rules;
    • Potential risk to the health or safety of participants, observers, or others.

    All uses of space must be conducted under the following conditions.

    • All activities are conducted so that campus pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile traffic are unimpeded and members of the University community not participating in the event may proceed with their normal activities.
    • The activity does not block or otherwise interfere with ingress and egress into, within, and out of University buildings.
    • The activity does not obstruct, disrupt, interrupt, or attempt to force the cancellation of any University-sponsored event or activity, or authorized use of University space.
    • The activity is conducted in an orderly and peaceful manner, and groups and individuals participating in the activity shall not engage in harassing, physically or verbally abusive, threatening, or intimidating conduct toward any person.
    • The activity does not disrupt or interfere with classes, meetings, ceremonies, scheduled activities, educational activities, and other essential University processes.
    • The activity does not interfere with or preclude a scheduled speaker from being heard.
    • All activities must be conducted without sound amplification equipment unless permission for amplification is obtained from the Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officersor designees.
    • Banners, signs, or other materials may only be posted in approved areas, which were requested and approved on the Space Request form.
    • The safety of members of the campus community, collectively and individually, must be protected at all times.
    • The activity shall not create unsanitary conditions ordamage University property or its grounds, including building interior and exteriors, lawns, shrubs, trees, parking lots, patios, walkways, lighting, or outdoor furniture.
    • Groups and individuals participating in the activity must comply with the directions of University officials when enforcing these provisions.
    • Responsible parties and sponsorsmust have a representative present at the event. All event registrations must include the name and contact information of the sponsor.
    • Any event involving minors must adhere to theMinors on Campus Policy.
    • All third-party events shall be insured, naming the University and the Commonwealth of Virginia as additionally insured, and meeting the minimum requirements of the Office of Risk Management.
    • Groups and individuals, including sponsoring organizations, are responsible and accountable for the cleanliness and order of all spaces following their use, including the proper disposal of trash and recycling and the arrangement of additional services as needed. The groups and/or individuals will be billed for cleanup that the organization utilizing the spacedoes not adequately complete themselves.

    Only University groups can reserve and use outdoor University space for activities during University reading days and final examinations. All other groups or individuals are not allowed to reserve or use outdoor space for activities on these days.

    Groups and individuals participating in the activities, whether sponsored or not, are accountable for compliance with the provisions of this policy, as well as other University policies. Violations of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action. Individuals or groups who invite non-University participants may be held accountable for such participants' compliance with this policy. In addition, since non-University individuals or groups are not subject to the University's disciplinary procedures, their failure to comply with these provisions may result in appropriate action under State or Federal law, including but not limited to trespassing.

    1. University Space Manager

      The University's Space Manager will develop internal procedures as directed by the Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer and these procedures will be published in the University's.

    2. Catering

    Use of University facilities and grounds shall be subject to the University's exclusivity contract with its caterer.

    1. Posting or Display of Information

      Resources are provided throughout academic and administrative buildings on property owned or leased by the University for the purpose of posting or displaying information. These resources will be maintained by department heads or their designees located in the areas where they reside. Affixing items to doors, entrances, windows, building exteriors, or interiors (except as noted above), benches, poles, or trees; inserting yard signs in flower beds; or placing flyers on vehicles is prohibited and these items will be removed and the organization's expense..

    2. Keys

      1. Residence hall keys are issued to student residents upon check-in and procedures are detailed in the Guide to Living on Campus. Students are responsible for the cost of the key and rekeying the lock should they lose the key or fail to return the key at the end of the term of the agreement or upon early departure from campus. Fees associated with lost keys are published annually in the.

      2. Non-residential keys may only be issued to University employees and affiliated entities as approved through the appropriate key request process, in accordance with theforms and proceduresposted on Facilities Management & Construction's website. Key requests must be submitted via the University's key request system -Building Access: Keys- 91Ƭ. The AVP FMC or designee is responsible for maintaining a record of all keys issued. Keys shall NOT be transferred to other employees/supervisors; when keys are no longer required, they must be returned to Facilities Management & Construction. Duplication of University keys by anyone other than a University locksmith is prohibited. Employees or their department may be responsible for the cost of the key(s) and rekeying the locks should they lose the key(s) or fail to return the key(s) to Facilities Management & Construction at the end of their employment or transfer to another department. Fees associated with lost keys are published annually in the.

        Master keys will only be issued upon the additional approval of the Superintendent of the Structural Department, the Senior Director, and the AVP FMC. Locks may be changed in a University facility only upon the express authorization of the AVP FMC.

    3. Permitting of Tents, Stages and Amusement Devices

      The use of tents, stages and amusement devices is governed by, which requires that tents, stages and all "amusement devices" (including inflatables, gravity rides, bounce houses, go-carts, climbing walls, bungee jumping, etc.) are appropriately permitted, inspected and insured. SeeTents, Stages & Amusement Devices- 91Ƭ.

    Constructing, occupying, or sleeping in tents or camping on university-owned or operated properties is prohibited unless approved in advance by the University. Tents shall include any structure, enclosure, or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops that is constructed of canvas or pliable material supported in any manner except by the contents it protects. Camping shall include: (a) the use of any item to create a shelter; (b) the outdoor use of heating devices, generators, or the use of portable toilets; (c) sleeping outdoors with or without a tent between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

    The construction or occupation of camping tents is prohibited. "Camping Tent" means any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings. Camping Tents may include tents known as "pup tents," "dome tents," "cabin tents," "hiker tents," and "backpacking tents." A Camping Tent does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles.

    Outdoor “camping” is prohibited, even without a tent. As used in this Policy, “camping” is the act of using any part of the campus for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight, making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings, using any tent, shelter, or similar structure regardless of size for sleeping, sleeping in, on or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy. Camping does not include the use of university real property that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping areas, a tailgating activity in conjunction with a university event, or the use of temporary hammocks used in recreation or studying activities outside during non-overnight hours.

    The pre-approval process and the prohibitions in this section shall not apply to the University or tents erected for University use.

    This policy does not apply to tents or canopies temporarily erected on University property adjacent to athletics facilities or other property designated by the University as a pre-event gathering location during athletics or entertainment events, and up to four (4) hours before or after those events, so long as those tents otherwise comply with and are assembled in accordance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, do not impede ingress or egress to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and do not create a safety or security hazard.

    Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the.

    Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management & Construction

    Revisions & Review

    Previous Revisions: December 1, 1988; September 11, 2003; August 4, 2014; May 10, 2022; August 22, 2024

    Scheduled Review Date: August 22, 2025

    Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & Responsible Officer Approval to Proceed:


    Responsible Officer


    Policy Review Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:


    Chair, Policy Review Committee (PRC)


    Executive Policy Review Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:


    Responsible Oversight Executive


    University Counsel Approval to Proceed:

    /s/Allen T. Wilson

    University Counsel

    August 21, 2024


    Presidential Approval:

    /s/Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D.


    August 22, 2024
